Important Notice: This post was published on April 1, 2021 and may be out of date.

Over the last few years, there’s been a noticeable increase in interest in CBD among scientists. Studies have shown the many benefits of cannabidiol, including seizure and anxiety relief. Still, among common people, not a lot is known about this component of cannabis. Thus, they still believe in the many misconceptions that surround cannabis and its components.

If you want to use cannabis medically or recreationally, you should stay informed about what it does. However, when learning about cannabis, there are certain misconceptions you should steer clear of. These are the 11 common myths about THC and CBD.

1. You Can’t Use THC for Medical Purposes

The most common myth about cannabis is that only CBD has medicinal properties. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. While THC is widely known for its recreational purpose, it also has amazing healing qualities. For one, THC inhibits the enzyme that’s proven to be a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease.

Additionally, the government recognizes single-molecule THC as an appetite booster and acknowledges its anti-nausea properties. Still, even though THC is federally a Schedule 3 drug, cannabis as a whole remains a Schedule 1 drug, as people still believe it doesn’t have a medical purpose.

2. CBD Is the Good Cannabinoid, While THC Is Bad

Although no one can deny the benefits of CBD, THC remains demonized. Because THC induces a high, it’s still framed as the bad cannabinoid, as opposed to the good cannabinoid, CBD. The stance THC has in the minds of people has allowed marijuana teetotalers to stigmatize it while simultaneously praising CBD for its many benefits. However, there is no reason to keep believing THC is bad, as it has just as many benefits as CBD.

3. CBD Is Most Effective When Used Without THC

CBD Misunderstood

Although CBD is effective on its own, it works best when combined with THC. When you use CBD with THC, they tend to enhance each other’s effects. Additionally, people who experience pain and inflammation benefit much more from CBD if they combine it with THC for a full entourage effect. Even the anti-tumoral effects of cannabis are more effective when THC and CBD are combined.

4. Only Parts of Cannabis Have Medicinal Value, While the Whole Plant Doesn’t

According to the government, parts of cannabis have medicinal value, while the whole plant doesn’t. Essentially, that means you can use both THC and CBD for medicinal purposes, while you can’t use the whole plant for the same purpose.

There’s one main reason the government’s position on this is so confusing. Cannabis contains THC and CBD in a much higher percentage than other compounds. Thus, it has all the medicinal values of those compounds. Furthermore, when combined, the compounds found in cannabis produce an ensemble effect, meaning that they’re more effective than if you use them separately.

5. Psychoactivity Is a Side Effect of Cannabis

When people mention psychoactivity, they mainly talk about the high-inducing effects of cannabis. However, a psychoactive compound is, by definition, any compound that alters your mood. As such, psychoactivity can’t be inherently bad.

Furthermore, many people falsely believe that CBD is psychoactive. Since CBD can aid anxiety and depression, it’s apparent that it alters the mood to an extent. Even though CBD doesn’t make you feel stoned, it definitely has psychoactive effects. Additionally, many people seek out CBD for its mood-altering purposes, proving they’re a benefit rather than a side effect.

6. CBD Will Always Sedate You

Although CBD does have sedative properties, it will not always sedate you. Contrarily, many people feel energized after taking a moderate dose of CBD. However, if you want to experience the relaxing properties of CBD, you can always choose a higher dose. It’s always better to go for a higher dose in the evenings and stick to micro-dosing during the day. That way, you can experience every benefit of CBD without getting sleepy midday.

7. High Doses of CBD Are Better Than Low Doses

CBD misinformation

You should choose your preferred CBD dosage based on what you need it for. As mentioned above, low doses can be very effective. However, some people don’t experience the full benefits of CBD if they only use lower doses. Thus, make sure to listen to your body and experiment with higher doses if you feel the need for it.

Additionally, you should be mindful of the type of CBD oil you’re using when determining your dosage. You need a higher dose of CBD isolate than you do of full-spectrum CBD oil to achieve the same results. That’s because full-spectrum oils contain compounds that aid CBD, while CBD isolate contains only CBD.

8. CBD Converts to THC

Many people still believe that CBD converts into THC when absorbed. However, that’s completely false. Contrarily, CBD minimizes the effects of THC when they are used together. Still, people who believe in this misconception may be apprehensive to try CBD for the fear that they would get high. It’s important to educate yourself on this topic before you come to conclusions based on misconceptions, as you wouldn’t want to miss the benefits of CBD based on a myth.

9. CBD Is Completely Legal in the US

Although hemp-derived CBD is fully legal in the US, the same can’t be said for cannabis-derived CBD. Cannabis laws differ from state to state. While some states allow recreational use of cannabis, others only allow it for medicinal use. It’s important to learn about the cannabis laws in your state if you’re planning on using CBD. Still, if you’re using a CBD oil with less than 0.3% THC, you shouldn’t worry, as they are legal federally.

10. Patients Can Only Benefit From the Legalization of CBD

Only legalizing CBD products while restricting THC may seem logical. However, many illnesses benefit more from THC than from CBD. For example, epileptic children tend to respond better to CBD oils that are rich in THC. Additionally, many other ailments also benefit from a higher dose of THC. Still, seventeen states in the US only allow low levels of THC for medicinal purposes, thus refusing access to a remedy to many who need it.

11. It Doesn’t Matter Where Your CBD Comes From

While you can extract CBD from industrial hemp, it takes a lot more hemp than cannabis to produce the same amount of CBD. Since CBD is a bio-accumulator, there’s more risk of it drawing toxins from the earth if you use a large amount of hemp. For that reason, nowadays people mainly make their CBD out of cannabis while still satisfying the legal criteria for THC (less than 0.3%).


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