Important Notice: This post was published on March 17, 2021 and may be out of date.

Former Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Kingsley Moghalu has slammed Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ahmed Wase, for rejecting a petition from Nigerians based abroad.

Wase, who presided over plenary last Thursday, had reportedly rejected a petition from the Mutual Union of the Tiv in America, saying Nigerians in the diaspora do not “really know” the situation in the country, and are thus are not eligible to file petitions.

However, on Monday, the Deputy Speaker denied rejecting the petition.

Reacting to this development, Moghalu criticised the deputy speaker’s action on his Twitter page on Tuesday.

He said the fact that Nigerians live abroad is not an excuse to sideline them from submitting petitions to the house.

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