Nwabiani Faith

5 People Who Became Wildly Successful After Facing Rejection

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Sometimes, you jump out of the gate with a great idea that you can polish and run with. Everything’s going well — until you get hit with a failure. Failure punches you in the gut, leaving you with throbbing wounds and the inability to do anything but […]

How to be an IT genuis

If you are passionate about learning new things, fascinated by computers, and enjoy problem-solving, you can become a computer genius. And don’t worry if you can’t pursue a computer science degree. You can build computer mastery by combining a solid understanding of computer fundamentals with hands-on experience, troubleshooting skills, and knowing how to find useful […]

Perception vs Reality

PERCEPTION: Your perception is your reality. Change your perception, change your reality. Perception is your perspective, which is based upon your experience. The definition of perception, is as a result of observing, it is a physical sensation interpreted in the light of experience, while perspective is is a mental view or prospect. These definitions basically underline […]

How to Grow A Successful Business

1. Get Organized To achieve business success you need to be organized. It will help you complete tasks and stay on top of things to be done. A good way to be organized is to create a to-do list each day. As you complete each item, check it off your list. This will ensure that […]

The Role of Influencers in Advertising in Nigeria

Influencer marketing has taken the advertising world by storm, and Nigeria is no exception. The role of influencers in advertising in Nigeria has become increasingly significant, and brands are taking notice. In this article, we will explore the reasons for the rise of influencer marketing in Nigeria, the impact it has had on the advertising […]

An Overview Of The Cultural Diversity of Nigeria

Nigeria is a country known for its cultural diversity, with over 250 ethnic groups and over 500 indigenous languages spoken. This diversity has been shaped by the country’s history, geography, and the interactions of different communities over time. In this article, we will provide an overview of the cultural diversity of Nigeria and explore the […]